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Node list

A NodeList represents a fragment of HTML. It can contain one or more nodes and the return values of its methods vary based on the count. For example getting the text of a single h1 element via $response->querySelector('h1')->text === "string" will return the string contents of that node. However, if the NodeList contains multiple nodes the return will be an array such as when you get back multiple list items, $response->querySelector('li')->text === ["list", "text", "items"]

querySelector(string $selector)

Further filter the NodeList to a subset of matching elements



You can turn any NodeList in to an expectation API by calling ->expect() on it. From there you are free to use the expectation API to assert the DOM matches your expectations.


getNodeOrNodes(callable $callback)

A poorly named map that either returns the result of the map on a single node or an array of mapped values on multiple nodes.

This is called internally when you __get on a node list.

If $nodeList contains 1 node, you'll get back the text content of that node.

$textContent = $nodeList->getNodeOrNodes(fn ($node) => $node->text()); // string

If $nodeList contains 2 or more nodes, you'll get back an array containing the text content of each node.

$textContent = $nodeList->getNodeOrNodes(fn ($node) => $node->text()); // array

each(callable $callback)

Loop over each matched node and apply the callback to the node. Returns an array of results for each matched node.


Available as a method or a magic property of ->text. Gets the text content of the node or nodes. This will only return the text content of the node as well as any child nodes. Any non-text content such as HTML tags will be removed.


Available as a method or a magic property of ->innerHTML. Gets the inner HTML of the node or nodes.


Available via the method or a magic property of ->count returns the number of nodes in the node list.


Click the matched element and follow a link.


assertAttribute(string $key, string $value)

Assert all matched nodes have the given attribute. If you have matched multiple nodes all nodes must matched.

$response->querySelector('form')->assertAttribute('method', 'post');


Asserts that the given string matches the text content of the node list.

Caution: if the node list contains multiple nodes then the assertion would expect an array of strings to match.

$nodeList->assertText('Hello World');


Asserts that the given string is a part of the node list text content



Asserts that the given count matches the count of nodes in the node list.
